Spotlight: Susan Conrad

The focus of this series of articles is to learn a bit more about the lives behind the faces we
meet at our HD events, such as our support group meetings, Walk, etc.

I recently had an opportunity to meet up with Susan Conrad, whose enthusiasm, dedication,
and ever-positive outlook have inspired our support group and the local HD medical community
for several years. Those who have followed her hip issues will be pleased to know that Susan
can now walk WITHOUT pain and is increasing endurance via walking. [Not ready for the bike -

Knowing that Susan grew up in a career military family, it was no surprise to me to learn that
she served in the Coast Guard. She recalls a childhood of moving to new homes in many cities
due to her father’s military assignments. So, adventure became instilled in Susan and her
siblings from early on. She recalls the family all piling into the car, a map on her mother’s lap,
and dad driving off to explore a new distant vacation destination.

Perhaps influenced by the military environment and sense of commitment to serving
humankind, she recalls her mother’s insistence that Susan and her siblings be enrolled in
university research projects, wherever they were living at the time.

This ingrained sense of giving back/serving others became a driving influence on Susan’s
volunteer work for local HD research studies – some of which involved extensive hospital stays,
with some unfortunate side effects. Undaunted and ever-positive, she continues to volunteer.
With sisters, brothers, and 9 nieces and nephews locally, she stays busy. She is active in both in-
person and online with Arts Therapy, Yoga, Tai chi, Mindfulness Meditation, and Wellness
Classes. She loves to read fiction and non-fiction about personal growth and creating positive
habits. Her porch/deck faces into the woods – perfect for meditation and reading.

So, what is next on the Conrad agenda? Immediately, the new hip reopened her ability to
explore more things here in Cincinnati. Long term, she and her close group of friends are
planning another adventure trip later in 2024.

Stay tuned!
Tom Long