This series of articles focuses on learning a bit more about the lives behind the faces we meet at our HD events, such as our support group meetings, Walk, etc.

I recently had an opportunity to sit down with Tom Long… WAIT! That’s Me! – your intrepid Buckeye Bulletin beat reporter! It only seemed fair that as I am always asking questions, you might actually deserve to know a little about me.

My wife and I began attending our HD Support Group meetings in 2010, shortly after Dr Duker diagnosed Judy as HD positive. She was 60 years old at this time and inherited HD from her father, who lived into his mid-seventies and never exhibited signs of HD. I often recall Judy’s comment after our first support meeting: “There’s a LOT of love in that group!” She always looked forward to each meeting.

I grew up in the small town of Ashland, KY. I fondly recall spending summers living and working on my grandparents’ farm in the hills of eastern Kentucky. I graduated from the Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music with a Bachelor's and a Master's Degree in piano performance, organ, and harpsichord. While enrolled at CCM, I met a voice major, Judy Matre, who became my wife of 45 years and raised 4 children.

Post CCM, I led the Baldwin Music Education Research & Development program, where we researched and published new strategies and/or teaching materials to improve music education nationally. After many successful years in this work, I began migrating to business areas, working for other companies in marketing, strategic planning, and product development.

In my ‘retired’ years I am a church organist/pianist, and enjoy spending time with 8 grandchildren, gardening, and visiting museums.

My Arts background has strongly influenced my ‘creative’ and ‘educational’ approach to hobbies, music, business, and serving our local HD community.

​Tom Long